In very slow progress, a purple mohair sweater in a deep amethyst colour. I bought the pattern and yarn (Lily Chin Tribeca) on sale at Len's Mill in Cambridge. I keep picking it up and just knitting a few row here and there, so it's not hibernating, it's just progressing slowly.

I also finally finished the socks I was stalling on. My first socks are now done! I've worn them once, and they were super awesome and soft and warm, and now I just need to wash them once to make sure the dye won;t bleed or anything. I'm still not sure if they'll end up going in the regular load of laundry, or in the delicate soak, spin, and flat to dry with other knits (the Yarn Harlot sweater washing method).

And with the leftover, came more socks! Baby socks, for a coworkers 10-month old baby girl. One more purple picture:

Craig went on a snowboarding trip to Vermont, so I knit him a toque to wear that matches the scarf I gave him for xmas. It's knit in 1x1 rib in two-row alternating stripes of Patons SWS in Natural Russet and Natural Slate - exactly like the scarf. And it is long enough to fold up so he can cover his ears a lot or a little. The edge stretched out quite a bit by the end of his trip, which I think might be because I cast on really loosely. I gave it a soak and a spin in the washing mashing with some Eucalan, gave it a tug to stretch it out, and let it dry flat and it was all better. I just hope it doesn't keep happening. A picture of the matching set...

1 comment:
I'm making one of these scarves for my husband (I've already made one for myself and he would steal it from me if it weren't so pink!), and I was trying to figure out what colors to use. I was considering natural slate/natural russet, and had googled "natural russet" to see if anyone had photos of the colorway knit up. And then I found your blog, and that you had used those exact two colorways to make this scarf (slate/russet)! Fantastic! I'm sold! :)
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