Friday, 1 June 2007

Dyed yarn, etc.

So all that stuff I bought at Len's mill two weeks ago hasn't really gotten much use, yet. Maybe I should mention that I am the queen of UFO's. But I have been doing stuff.

I bought wo bags of neat-o trim at Value Village in KW. One is the dangly pom-pom type, but it is off-white, so I decided I wanted to dye it. Well it didn't turn out so well, BUT I did LOVE dying it. And thanks to Craftster, I figured out why (it was probably cotton), and what I could do instead.

I can dye yarn!

It has to be animal fibre (or nylon, apparently, but I have yet to try that one), to work with the Wilton cake dyes I used. Same technique as kool-aid dying, but I like the idea of more control with the Wilton dyes. I went all out and bought the biggest multipack of dyes they had and I loved all the colours.

I have already started turning this ball of yarn into the Pompom Beret from Simply Baby by Debbie Bliss. I am planning on giving it to Ada Elizabeth, Willy and Leanne's new bundle of joy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

got a question about the beret pattern. the last inc row (M1 K5) results 84 stitches (inc of 14 from the previous row 70 at M1 K4). the first decrease row calls for skp k4 to result in 70 stitches. it doesn't work. should the first decrease row call for skp k5?