The release of the Deathly Hallows was a great excuse for me to do some crafting, since I work in a bookstore. We didn't have a midnight release party, but we did open super early Saturday morning, and had lots of decorations and stuff.
I really wanted a little purple sweater, so I decided to dress up as Luna Lovegood. I also ventured into the realm of polymer clay for the first time, to make her radish earrings:

And made a cork necklace, to keep away nargles:

And decoupaged a Luna quote on the bottom:

I also wanted to make a little cardigan like the one Luna wears in the OOTP movie. I dont crochet, so I found a knitting pattern I thought would look similar (cloud bolero by ysolda) and knit it in a similar colour. People recognized it, so I guess it was close enough

I also made a pair of pants based on ones Luna wore in OOTP, and also put crazy shoelaces in my all stars like Luna's.

I was going to put in an elastic waist, but ran around the house searching for thick elastic for hours and hours before I gave up and decided to just sew on ties. I had to wear a big long t-shirt provided by work, and the bow looked all poofy underneath so that wasn't good, but I think elastic may have looked weirder. Of course pretty much as soon as I got home from wearing the costume, I found the jar of elastic hiding behind a box that I'm sure I looked behind at least a dozen times while hunting. Oh well.

I also made a bunch of buttons. Some to give away to kids coming to get the book:

And some for those of us working to wear:

And wands! These were everyones favourite! People kept asking to buy them, so we started giving them away for a donation to charity. They are based on the tutorial here. I ended up making a few more batches, but only took pictures of the first one:

I just got a CD of pictures from my coworker from that day at work, so hopefully I'll remember to upload them soon!