Monday, 10 August 2009

This ain't halfway camp

Originally uploaded by fairysari
The biggest project of the year is finally done - our living space. Instead of camping in a hot stuffy tent this year at Burning Man, I built a cube. It's a 10'wx10'dx7'h cubular tent made out of old tents. It's got lots of doors and windows, which all zip up to keep the dust out. I'm hoping It'll stay cooler with lots more room for air to circulate, and not holding our body heat in such a small space. The old tent was *just* big enough to fit our double air mattress, and sit up. Fancy mec winterized tent. Now we'll be able to stand up and keep our bags inside.

The Halfway Camp banner was the last of the necessary projects. Well, I actually made it back in May, I just added the patch at the top that says "THIS AIN'T". See, at CTMF (our early summer camping trip) we're Halfway Camp, because we always have cool art and fires and its the halfway warm-up pit stop for lots of people on their way back to their tents. At Burning Man, we don't do thing half-assed, so, This Ain't Halfway Camp.

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